Mission Statement of MarineParents.com
a Place to Connect and Share®

The mission of MarineParents.com, Inc., is to provide support, information, and services to Marines and their family members, and create opportunities for the public to support our troops through the organization's outreach programs.

  • "Education and Support for Marine Families"
  • "Support for Marines"
  • "Community Awareness for Troop Support"

Our mission includes four distinct areas: Informing, Supporting, Connecting, and Sharing.

  1. INFORMING: Research and provide reliable resources for information about the United States Marine Corps

  2. SUPPORTING: Provide emotional and spiritual support and encouragement to each other, support to our Marines and Recruits, and encourage troop support through community awareness projects

  3. CONNECTING: Provide the web site along with various online communications as a means for parents, spouses, family and friends of Marines and Recruits around the world to connect with one another

  4. SHARING: Share news, stories, and communications related to our Marines and Recruits to help other parents, spouses, family and friends feel more connected to their Marine or Recruit

Our mission includes the following guiding principles:

  • MarineParents.com is "a Place to Connect & Share®"
  • We DO NOT address or allow political issues and discussions.
  • We DO allow freedom of spiritual proclamations, support and prayer.
  • We DO believe in God, Family, Country and The United States Marine Corps.
  • We are always faithful to the United States Marine Corps and Marines: Semper Fidelis

MarineParents has been a life line for our family. Today I give thanks for the knowledge, patience and love that this organization has given to my new Marine family. Mireya, Marine Mom, 2017
EGA Shop, purchase Marine Corps Clothing and Support Our Troops at the same time!
Marine Parents and the Marine Corps
Recruit Parents
Whats After Boot Camp
After The Corps